Saturday, July 4, 2020

Resume Writers Digest Resume Writers Are You Promoting International Update Your Resume Month

Resume Writers' Digest Resume Writers Are You Promoting International Update Your Resume Month Fourteen years ago, Career Directors International (CDI), registered and launched an international event, Update Your Resume Month (UYRM), to take place each year in September. With summer behind us, and children back to school, it continues to make sense that adults should take this time to conduct a career check-up. In celebration and support of UYRM, CDI is reaching out to professional resume writers worldwide with the following tips to create a win-win for themselves and job seekers this year through UYRM:#1 Decide what to do for the event.UYRM is rich with opportunities to reach job seekers. Suggested activities for resume writers include: Provide special discounts on resume services during the month. Coordinate with a local school, library, bookstore, womens center, or church to offer a free seminar. Announce a free teleclass or webinar that is open to the public. (Then, of course, record it to give as a gift via your website in the future). Write informative articles and blog posts to be posted on your website or on third-party sites. Create a free e-book that can later be made available for sale. Provide daily tips during the month via your favorite social media channel(s). (Later this can be made into an e-book). Whatever choices are made, having something to give provides the professional with leverage to promote and gain publicity.CDI members will find numerous resources in the members section from which to create presentations and information pieces.#2 Reach out to the media and the public.While members of the media dont want to hear about a story too early, its important not to wait too long. Write a press release about the offering, using the time-sensitive link to the upcoming UYRM. Send announcements out to local companies, non-profits, and organizations who might be interested in letting their staff, students, and/or parishioners know. Post signs in community centers. Contact local news agencies TV producers, radio stations, small local papers, and major newspapers. Add the event to signature file for emails and blog posts. Blog about it. Spread the word across social media. CDI members have access to a wealth of additional resources such as sample letters to professors, announcement press releases, and strategy ideas.#3 Most importantly, dont wait; get planning now.The biggest challenge for self-employed resume writers, career coaches, and even academic career counselors have is schedule pressure.Why wait? With a little effort, rewards can be had for your efforts this September!CDI members can brainstorm and partner with fellow members on these initiatives through 24/7 mastermind communities to reach more people and get more done.#4 Give back, but get back too.While sharing knowledge is fabulous, UYRM also presents a unique opportunity to shed light on the importance of educating the public about professional resume writing. While making a difference with tips, advice, articles, and workshops, remember that this is a unique opportunity to spread the word about the value of hiring a professional resume writer. To many out there in the world, profession al resume writing is still an unknown. Give advice and spread the word for a future win-win for future profits, future client successes, and future industry visibility.Visit the public job-seeker page for UYRM.Learn more about CDI member benefits for resume writers and career coaches. About Career Directors International CDI is a global professional association that is committed to ensuring that career and resume professionals can grow and thrive in a rich, vibrant, exciting, safe, and nurturing environment. CDI is focused on championing the industrys cause for credibility and visibility; fostering exceptional success in every generation of career and resume professionals; and cultivating the career superhero that exists within each one of us.

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